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We are a tuition free school

  • Step 1: Determine if you are an In Boundary Student

  • Step 2: Create and fill out the online registration

  • Step 3: Pick up and return your completed enrollment packet at school.

  • Monday – Friday, 9AM – 4PM

  • Step 4: Present these documents with your enrollment packet: Birth Certificate, Shot Record, Proof of Address, Parent/Guardian ID.

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Verify Your Address

For the 2020-2021 School Year,  we only have space for in-boundary students.Please check your address on this map to verify that you live within our boundaries.

If you live outside of our neighborhood boundaries, please visit to reserve a seat for the 2021-2022 School Year.


Inscripciones abiertas para el año 2022-2023!

Cree una cuenta y registrese, luego venga a la escuela y llene el paquete de inscripciones. Por favor traiga los siguientes documentos: Acta de Nacimiento del estudiante, Registro de vacunas, prueba de domicilio e identificación del padre/madre o custodio.


Office hours June:  10AM – 3PM | M – Th 

Office closed on Friday (only during June)

Office Hours July:  9AM – 4PM | M – F


Enroll Now 2022-2023 School Year! 

Create an account and register. Pick up and return your completed registration packet at school. Please bring the following: Birth Certificate, Shot Record, Proof of Address, Parent / Guardian I.D.

Office hours June:  10AM – 3PM | M – Th 

Office closed on Friday (only during June)

Office Hours July:  9AM – 4PM | M – F

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